Dating & Relationship


I hope you’ve come to realize that love is a blessing and a curse. Like fire it burns and yet still keeps us warm, and like the river, it quenches our thirst yet drowns many. Consequently, every attempt at finding love is like tossing a coin. There would always be two outcomes; it’s either it makes you very happy or ruins you. Yet, as humans, we can’t help but crave to love and to be loved back in return. As it’s the true essence of our existence and the fuel on which the earth runs on.


So the planets line up and Voila you have a date! Acquaintances then become more than friends. And before I can say Jack, you already have butterflies dancing in your belly. Soon a romantic relationship follows, and the end of the story then depends on how you and your partner make it to be. Often times, the relationship ship sails for a while but unfortunately ends up capsizing at Antarctica and freezes all over.


Isn’t it just surprising how two people that used to love one another suddenly become strangers or enemies?! Too bad the effect of cupid’s arrow fades. And it’s for this reason that love is not enough to sustain a relationship. Relationships require commitment! Whether you’re in the mood for it or not. While it’s almost natural to be lazy when you’ve won your partner over, you should constantly make an effort to keep things fresh.

You should never stop doing the things that got your partner attracted to you. So look good for them, make them feel special, treat them like the prize, and constantly find ways to continually make them attracted to you. More importantly, never take them for granted. You should also understand the love language of your partner. It could be receiving gifts, words of affirmation, an act of service, quality time etc. Whatever it is, make the effort and do right by your partner.

Dating & Relationship


For your own sake, I hope you’re compatible with your partner. If not, you should end things soon as it will not only save you time but will also do everyone a lot of good. And you also need to realize that in any dealings with humans, there are no certainties. So go easy on your partner and have reasonable expectations so you don’t end up disappointed and broken-heart


Without the different things that interest us and excites us, we are better of being created as sloths; boring, lazy and ridiculously slow.


. Show interest in their hobbies and some (you still have to be your own person) of the things that make them happy. You don’t necessarily have to be their clone that likes everything they do, but by showing interest in the things they like, it’s always a fun time for both of you. And in the end, the positive feelings he/she has towards that thing will extend to you. No wonder they say date your best friend.

Lastly, as two separate individuals with different personalities and from different backgrounds, there’s no way you won’t have misunderstandings with your partner. What’s important is that the relationship has good conflict resolution. You should always find healthy ways to hear out your grievances, forgive one another and get back together. In the end, whether you Admit it or not, the fact remains that we all want love. So do it right and stay faithful!

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